Part 17: Summer/Autumn 1993

Welcome back! Last time, things got a little weird, actually. First, Ken and Linda ended up fighting a bunch of zombies in Minago. Then Dr. Emory claimed that it's all his fault for letting a parasitic infection (?) spread out from the hospital, but not to worry he'll sort it out. Then Ken and Linda went and did a whole lot of hunting, and then finally they found out some information which seemed to indicate that Emory is actually the Puppet Master. Therefore they did what any reasonable person would do and went to confront Emory directly. Turns out, he's completely nuts and the whole encounter ended with Linda injured and in hospital. Oh, and also it turned out that Sachiko isn't really Sachiko but simply one of several clones of Emory's actual daughter Sachiko, who, as it turns out, was in fact the first person to commit suicide by throwing herself off the church, after not having been selected for the female ark crew for the slot that was ultimately given to Linda!
So at this point we find Ken again on his own...

After leaving Linda in her hospital room in Hospico, we should head over back to Hardia and talk to Ben, to see what he thinks of all this! He may not be too happy with us, as we disobeyed him pretty blatantly by going to confront Emory...

Looks like we don't have too much to do until the next plot moment, so it might be a good time to finish the hunting! We are missing only two species to make a total of 50, so let's grab a couple. We could actually have done these last time already, but that's ok, it won't take us long!

First, we will head all the way down south...

...into that same place where we fought the ants. You won't encounter this new species normally, but if you make camp here, you have a good chance of being attacked in your sleep... a bunch of hydras!

As you can see, they use mostly fire based attacks and are definitely among the stronger enemies you can find down here, but still we're decently high level so they don't pose much of an issue at this point.
Our next destination today is...

...again that difficul to get to bit of land between two caverns.

First of all, one of the things you can run into here, among other places... a poacher and his dogs. The poacher appears to fight using a (very) large mallet, but nevertheless, this is mostly just a distraction and you don't need to fight them. Dogs are plentiful in other places, so there is no need to come here to capture them.

Last time here, we were capturing us some impalas, but today we have a different species we're looking for...

The rhino!

They might be a bit on the stronger side for the East Area (although they don't have any abilities that are too crazy), but East Area is anyway intended mostly as a beginning area so at least on the surface of the planet none of the animals are really TOO strong. So the rhinos also in the end look tougher than they are. Funnily enough, in this pariticular battle Ken is confronted with three rhinos and after capturing one of each gender, the third one actually uses his "eject" ability to kick out Ken, thus ending the battle, since Ken is fighting on his own! (I took out the dogs so that they don't accidentally overkill anything)
This should comfortably bring us to a nice round 50, so...

...we can head over and report in the ark.

Talking to the robot confirms that, indeed, we have captured the required 50 species that is needed in order to successfully finish this scenario. Incidentally, between the first two scenarios, we have so far only actually personally encountered 57 different species out of the possible 120 in the entire game. So that's actually less than half, which does kind of beg the question, where the heck are all the other 63 hiding? I mean that's not a small number and we've looked at a fair bit of places in the game so far and didn't find them! Well, not to worry, this is only the second scenario, so we'll still have a chance to look into it before the end of the game.
But, as far as Scenario B is concerned, we are definitely done with hunting.

Incidentally, we can check here another news bulletin!
Minago residents zombie(?) uprising!
The bodies of Minago residents who had died in the recent massacre appear to have been zombified and have gone on a rampage. The cause of the rampage is unknown, but it appears to have been caused by a unknown parasitic infection. The path of the infection is yet to be determined, though.
While we were doing the hunting, Ken also received another message notitification!

So, let's check it out. The message is from Ben!

Heading to Ozport, unfortunately we find no sign of Sachiko at all, however, this one tent here is for once not actually empty, so...

...we can talk to its owner!

So here you get a bit of a hint to look for the basement where the catfish are, but we already did that last time!
In any case...

...soon enough, it becomes Autumn 1993. Here we can also see the game indicating that we have 0 species left to capture!

And soon after that, Ken receives another message notification!

Checking the message, it's from Ken's mum this time!

I guess it must be one of the Sachiko clones probably? I don't see who else it could possibly be.
So, let's head home and find out!

As expected, it's one of the clones who is with Ken's mum!

Ken explains to mum everything that's happened until now.

No. 1 does just that.

After this, we can talk to both of them again...

Ken's mum seems to be pretty much the nicest person on this whole planet, together with Ben. But, unfortunately, we have places to be, so we will head out. But, as we do...

This game is absolutely hilarious.
Indeed, we get to choose the answer Ken gives here, but the only problem is... all possible answers are "Yes"!

And with this, we can finally leave.

And so we have now the newly named Sumire in our party. She's massively underleveled compared to us, but she does have a secret weapon in the form of her laser beam when she transforms, and yes indeed we can use it in battle ourselves--her so-called "Mode B"! It has the effect of simply one-shotting any enemy--so it's not useful for capturing in that sense, but luckily we won't need it for that anyway.
Expectedly, the party menu re-uses the same portrait here as we've had with the other clone, but that makes sense since, you know... they are clones.

As we go out we can definitely sit on the swing with her, but there is no additional dialogue to be had, unfortunately.

So we'll take the Bird Line south. As always, the only place down south with a functioning service is in fact Dogy Figh, so that's where we'll go in the first instance.

Upon arrival, we find a hunter loitering about. We can talk to him.

Ah, so that's how that ended up, huh? Also, I think I might know who the "pro" was who executed the assassination!
Nevertheless, as we descend the stairs...

Ah, this thing again...

Before we proceed to Laguna Lodge, we can make a quick stop at Dogy Figh. Being as it is autumn, there's no fights going on, but...

...the naked lady is still here!

Considering what kind of relationship these two had, I can see how the fact that all family members have been either killed or have left would be a problem for her!
In any case, if we take the tunnel from Dogy Figh to Laguna Lodge...

...we run into a locked door!

Looking at the map (where the line is pointing at Laguna Lodge)...

...we can see the lake. So we have to go around the mountains and approach from the south.

This is in fact the same place where we used to hunt eagles in order to make the sword. But from this side...

...we can get inside.

the main building is actually locked this time around... we head into the side building.

But, as we try to go in...

...this door is also locked! However...

And she does. Coming inside...

We can see the dresser here. In the wardrobe, we can also find "cabbage white butterfly dress" (this is an "armour" item for Ken and Linda, because somehow cabbage white butterfly is one of the animals which can be found in this game, although we haven't found it yet!). It is not actually as strong as what we already have (dog jacket) so we don't need to bother with it.
In any case, looking at the dresser...
Ken found the key to the main building!

The game does give you the option to skip this if you want, and I guess primarily this option is here if you're replaying the game or something like that.
Anyway, here is the story.

Very interesting. As we already know Dr. Emory got involved with some criminal interests because of his bionics research when he needed money for Sachiko to get a heart surgery. So I guess afterwards they ended up not being able to settle anywhere permanently on account of that.
Anyway, we got what we came here for, so we can leave. At the door, Sumire/No. 1 stops us.

It's a bit hard to tell at this resolution, but it does look a bit like Ken. But if not him, then who is it? Nek? Maybe we'll find out in another scenario?

Time to go in the main building, though!

We use the key and go through the door (welcome to our first actual usage of a key, by the way!)...

...but then all the storage cabinets pop open and...

...we're thrown into a battle against four of these... things. They are called "The Origin" and apparently they are artificial life forms created by Dr. Emory to act as his loyal guards. Yeah, let's go with that.
They pose no real threat to us at this point, Ken can certainly one-shot them.
Sumire/No. 1 is quite low level, as we've seen, but...

...she has her special abilities as a bionic creature/clone:
- A Mode: First Aid (heal)
- B Mode: Hand Beam (the laser attack)
Using B Mode on an enemy simply one-shots them, no matter the HP.
So as you can see, this battle is easily and quickly over. Some guards, huh.

By the way, this chest is now accessible and contains... another "air free pass". A bit late for that one, since we already bought ours way back at the beginning of the game!
In any case, where we need to go is the other side of the house.

Here in what looks like a laboratory of sorts, we find Emory and No. 2, who seems to be wearing Linda's wedding dress for some reason. Let's see what this lunatic is going to do now!

He explains it in more detail in the following cutscene.

What even.
Also, could I have some time to think about it? Because, uh...
By the way, in case you've been wondering why I haven't been posting many PC Engine cutscenes lately, it's simply because in Scenario B, other than more low tech graphics, they don't really contain anything different from the remake versions. In Scenario A there were some noticeable differences in dialogue and otherwise, but that is not the case for Scenario B where all cutscenes are basically identical in content in both versions, except for the one at the very beginning where Linda is trying on the dress.

The two of them run off.

He starts slowly inching away from Ken...

While talking, he's managed to make his way slowly over to this button on the wall. He pushes it...

...and the storage cabined moves to reveal a staircase.

I like how in this scene Emory is all over the place. Starting with constantly shifting whether he's talking about the real Sachiko or the clones and then literally changing the mood in each sentence!
As expected, he makes his escape down that secret staircase.

We follow him down, but as you might expect...

Another bunch of "Origins" pops out from behind the doors! Even though Ken is alone, he's still able to make a short work of them.
Eventually we find...

...a staircase going up...

...which brings us back out here to a familiar location. There is nothing to do here for now, so we can leave.

While walking around, Ken is again notified of a message!

Let's check it out! The message is from Ken's mum.

Well, then, let's make our way back to Hardia and see what these three are up to...

We can stop by Ben's office on the way...

Uh, sure. Ok, let's proceed to Ken's house.

I don't usually bother talking much to Ben's secretary since she rarely has much to say, but this time she strikes gold.

Back at home...

Well, ok, let's head down to C-21. I wonder what's there, though?

Before we can do that, however, there is another message for Ken!

So we go quickly to check it. It's from Ben this time!

So, like in Scenario A, here too Linda gets kidnapped from hospital. Although, as we'll see shortly, that's where the similarities end, as this situation will turn out to be completely different.
Now we can really head down to C-21.

Here it is on the map, and there does seem to be something there. Of course, this game being mostly open-world, we could have in fact gone here at any point to see what it is. But that's ok, we'll go now.

Here we go, looks like another abandoned place, in the vein of Koshikata!

Coming inside confirms that the place is abandoned and no services are available. However, there is one of those news bulletins posted by the telephone, so let's check it out...
A big win! The youngest Ranger commander ever!
Gene Challenger (27) has been appointed as Ranger commander. The appointment of Gene Challenger as the commander of the Rangers Corps is seen as a move towards rejuvenation, in order to better cope with the long running Neo-Kenya escape project. Ben MacDonald (29) is expected to become deputy commander.
Huh, so this is from years ago, talking about Ken's father and the current commander, Ben... Well, I guess it was left here when the town was abandoned. Let's proceed inside.

Er, what actually happened here? It seems this place was not simply "abandoned"!

So, yeah, the place is called Garex, but as to the hows and whys of the explosion and all that, it will have to wait for the next scenario. But we definitely want to find out more about what happened here at some point.

For now, we can simply conclude...

...that the place has seen better days! By the way, that chest can be actually reached by quickly going through the basement here. It contains a camel shirt...

...which actually gives Ken a slight +10 defence boost. So, why not, I'll take it.

Anyway, where we actually want to go is this underground shelter whose entrance is here in the corner.

You can take a lift, which takes you directly all the way down to the 7th basement floor, or you can take the stairs, one floor at the time.

Most floors don't actually have anything in them.

Except floor 4, which has these two chests. One is empty, and the other contains a 100HP recovery tablet. So not that special, really.

Anyway, here we are at the basement floor 7. This is as far as lift goes, but there's one more floor below.

Before we proceed, there is a room with the three computers here. The one on the left is not operational, but the other two by the door allow us to "defrost" a cryogenically frozen pair of animals. This is the same as what we've seen in the prevous scenario already, also near the end.
The first one:
TransCargo IN: Anglerfish ♀: 1, Anglerfish ♂: 1.
And the second one
TransCargo IN: Cobra ♀: 1, Cobra ♂: 1.
So the game again shows mercy and gives you a couple of species for free near the end!
Anyway, proceeding down to the bottom most floor, we encounter quite a scene!

As it turns out, Linda was "kidnapped" by Sumire and Yoshiko! Let's see what they have to say!

The other one takes over.

The game differentiates them by putting the portrait on the opposite sides of the screen!

Well, then...

...hunting scorpions it is, I guess! But that's for next time, in the grand finale chapter of Scenarion B! Until then, take care!

Today we start with the picture of "Sachiko" doing that... thing when she turns into a robot.

"Leave it to me"
And then also a picture of Emory and Sachiko from the PC Engine version: